WARWICKSHIRE ACAPELLA SINGERS CIRCLE (16th day of the month,) (use the Rowington link above when we coincide) Link Meeting ID: 882 7496 5685 Passcode: 318840 When they fall on the same night the Rowington one takes precedence .
PHOENIX FOLK NORTHUMBRIAN SESSION (6pm UK TIME) Click this link or Meeting ID: 876 6436 9517 Code 2005 *ZOOM SESSION* 3rd Sunday of every month Northumbrian Tunebook 23-24 (original key) Northumbrian Tunebook 23-24 (transposed)
THE ODDFELLOWS (3pm UK TIME) Fortnightly, first and third Monday each month. Click this link Meeting ID: 420 044 9988 Passcode: 942052d. *ZOOM SINGAROUND* Meeting ID: 420 044 9988 Passcode: 942052
DUNCOW ACOUSTIC CLUB ZOOM (7.30 UKTIME) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82599885968 Meeting ID: 82599885968 Password: duncow (2nd & 4th Monday of the month)
PHOENIX FOLK (8pm UK TIME) Click https://us04web.zoom.us/j/793527147 Code 245476 *WEEKLY ZOOM SESSION* Online Session Tunebook (August 2023)
MIDLAND FOLK, DANCE & SONG GROUP (7.15PM UK TIME) ID 818 3436 7560 Passcode is 359804 WEBSITE
WEEKLY SINGAROUND (ONLINE FOLK CLUB) Every Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm (UK time) Join by clicking this link when the session is live: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/901673723 (if prompted, enter 715687)
ROWINGTON FOLK CLUB; (7.45pm UK TIME) (THIRD WEDNESDAYS) Link Meeting ID: 822 8374 9857 Password: 330774. A singaround format with the featured artists doing 2 items at each turn interspersed with single songs from 3 floor singers until we run out of time usually 11pm. We then have ‘late drinks and chat’ for all who want to stay ROWINGTON FOLK CLUB on ZOOM 2023 dates UPDATED! October 18th Nerida Cuddy (Australia) getting up very early to join us! Nerida has a new album out, and delighted audiences in the UK back in the summer. Also Jill & Bernard Blackwell (Notts., UK) A lovely pairing of Flute with Accordion, Concertina and Guitar vocals and Pipes ~ November 15th Dave Mason from Hamilton UK ~ December 20th Christmas Party with The Laners and the Rowington Mummers For up-to-date information email pdgrassby52@gmail.com or call Pete ☎ 024-76336740 Mob ☎ 07768683015
SALTBURN FOLK CLUB (8pm UK Time) Email zoom@saltburnfolkclub.co.uk for the access code which is different from the Saturday session *WEEKLY ZOOM SESSION*
TYNESFOLK SINGERS (2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month)
WHITE HORSE FOLK CLUB (7.45pm) Email whfczoom@gmail.com for invite.(4th Wednesday of the month)
CUTTY WREN 8pm - 9:45pm) *SINGZOOMAROUND* Friendly, supportive and eclectic weekly get together with Tony Morris as host. Join from 7:45 if you want a chat first! Email info@cuttywrenfolkclub.com for the link.
PHOENIX FOLK (8pm UK TIME) Link Code 245476 *WEEKLY ZOOM SESSION* Online Session Tunebook (August 2023)
QUARTER ACOUSTIC MUSIC CLUB (8pm UK TIME) Monthly Meeting Meeting ID: 308 885 4529 Passcode: QAMC0001
PETE'S ALTERNATE FRIDAY SINGAROUND (7.4pm UK TIME) Small but perfectly formed! Every fortnight, (When we coincide this meeting gives way to the senior session, so use the WASC link) with Brian and Jenny co-hosting , Dates for the next few months; October 13th,27th, November 10th, 24th, December 8th & 22nd Here’s the Link ; 87338821694 password 115009
TEVIOTDALE MUSIC SESSION (7.30pm UK TIME) 2nd Friday of the Month Meeting ID: 860 4678 1202 Passcode: music Link
SALTBURN FOLK CLUB (8pm UK Time) Email zoom@saltburnfolkclub.co.uk for the access code which is different from the Wednesday session *WEEKLY ZOOM SESSION*