Tel 0161 483 7636
Unfortunately a HUGE amount of our instruments were stolen this week from our off-site storage building in Stockport.
All our instruments are marked/engraved with SMS-XXX (similar to the photos attached!)
Please could you all keep a lookout on marketplace, charity shops, cash converters etc for any of our missing instruments.
Sharing this post around our Stockport community would also be a great help!
Thank you in advance!
*Post regarding stolen equipment*
Apologies if this is again group rules, please delete if so.
In the early hours of saturday morning someone broke into my car in Kirkstall, LS5 and stole some of my equipment. I don’t often leave my equipment in my car over night, but I arrived home from a gig around 12:30am after a long drive and have a private car park to my flat block and thought waiting until the morning to take it in would be okay, I was wrong.
They took my case of shure mics and cables; XLRs, Jacks, Piano pedal, power chords and extensions and also a Bose L1 Pro8 speaker system. All of which are going to set me back massively to replace, I haven’t been in a financial position to be able to insure them at present.
It’s highly unrealistic, but if anyone appears to see any of the above items being sold online, please get in touch. I have very little hope they’ll pop up locally but I’ll be keeping my eye on facebook, ebay etc. I’ve included a pic of what the speaker looks like, they may try and sell it in 2 parts as the tall stack came as a separate part.
Thank you in advance, not the start of 2024 I’d hoped for. They’ll never understand in their selfishness how much that sets back someone who does this job full time as self employment, I hope karma really does kick them where it hurts.